Be Love. Be YOU this Holiday!

When we think of the holidays, two thoughts come to mind: stress and gifts. We put so much pressure on ourselves to do it right for everyone else that we often tend to forget our greatest gift to give.

YOU are the greatest gift you can give another. I’m not talking about the YOU that tries to do everything right. I’m talking about the YOU that is beautiful from the inside out.


Think about someone in your life that you love a lot. I mean a lot. You want so much for this person to be happy, but like you, they are stressed, too, during this holiday season. What if you decided to stop the craziness and just be joyful in the moment, knowing that it’s OK to simply be you? How would it make you feel? And how do you think it would affect your loved one?

I was having a dumpy moment yesterday and my hubby, Charlie, came in the room dancing. This is his true self. He is always wiggling around having fun. Well, just his presence brought me back to center. He could have tried to fix me and make me happy, but, instead, he shared the gift of himself!

We all have something to give from within. Every one of us has something that is special. The way to tap into that gift is to ask yourself, “What would make me feel alive that I can share with others?”

When I ask myself that question, I know I am here to lift up people and inspire them to love themselves. That’s what I’m doing here with this message. It’s really easy for me to sit down at my computer and share this because it is my gift. There is something inside of you, too, that brings more light and love into the world.

Are you a great sounding board for your family, co-workers or friends? Are you playful? Are you kind? Are you someone who lifts others up and inspires like I do? Take a moment and connect to the gifts inside of you. The people around you need you to share the love. By giving yourself permission to stop the holiday craziness and be YOU, you spread the love and give others permission to love themselves, too. The world is a better place and the holidays are more joyful, too!

Sending you lots of love and holiday hugs!





P.S. If you’re ready to help someone be who they really are (maybe that’s YOU!), click here now to get 25% off my CD Message Sent: Retrieving the Gift of Love! It’s the perfect holiday gift or stocking stuffer!

Message Sent CD cover 2014- 600px

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