Meet Terri

Meet Terri Britt

Terri Amos-Britt

Former Miss USA, Terri Britt, has been enlightening and empowering women to own their worth and become leaders of love for nearly two decades. Terri is an Inspirational Speaker, Love Expert, Energetic Healer, and Change Agent for Women and their families, as well as a wife, mom, stepmom, and nana. She is the award-winning author of The Enlightened Mom ~ WINNER of the 2011 Best Spiritual Book of the Year at both NY and San Francisco Book Festivals ~ as well as Message Sent, and her newest e-book, Women Leaders of Love: How to End the #1 Massive Mistake Women Make & Unleash Your Greatest Act of Service! Terri’s also a former entertainment news anchor. She has been seen on shows such as Today, NBC NY, Fox National News and Good Day Atlanta.

Dealing with such pivotal issues as anger, judgment, resentment and blame, Terri specializes in relationship healing and improvement. Her work brings understanding and healing to all relationships including your family, friendships, the workplace and most importantly, the one you have with yourself.

Sharing her own life challenges and how she healed them, Terri inspires you and teaches you energetic tools to love yourself unconditionally and own your worth, creating a life of peace, passion, playfulness and miracles.

A nurturing and accomplished speaker, Terri shares her message with audiences in a warm, loving and entertaining fashion, with quick wit, a ready smile and a genuine hug or pat on the back for everyone in the room.

Terri’s journey began when she represented the state of Arkansas as Terri Utley in the Miss USA 1982 pageant.

(Flashback – Miss USA Competition… interview)

Bob Barker:

“So what do you do in Cabot, Arkansas, on a Saturday night?”


In the summer, we go to the Tastee Freeze, sit on the back of my friend’s pickup truck, he plays the banjo, and the guys drink a little beer and dip a little Skoal.  It’s a real good time.”

Terri broke the good girl rules with her authentic answer and won the title of Miss USA 1982.  But instead of feeling joy and happiness in that moment of winning, Terri says, “My ego said ‘Yes!’ On the other hand, my heart said, ‘This is it?’ I knew there was still something missing.”

Terri didn’t understand why she felt this way and went on to pursue a career in the television industry.  Terri became a writer and field producer for a west coast news station and eventually became a spokeswoman for Mazda. It was at that time that a new entertainment channel, Movietime, (now known as the “E!” channel) was just taking hold in Los Angeles. Soon, Terri was chosen as their flagship news anchor, conducting celebrity interviews and covering such prestigious events as the Cannes Film Festival and the Academy Awards. Family

In 1990, Terri married her late husband, Steve Amos. In spite of a loving marriage, a beautiful home and all of her successes, Terri still felt something was missing in her life. Feeling the need to be with her family, she left the entertainment industry to be a full-time mother.  It was in her role as a wife and mom that she realized she had serious anger issues. Terri vowed to undo the behaviors that were affecting her and her family, and set a goal to become a happier mom. Finding herself without the tools to understand or manage her behavior, she put herself on a no-going-back program of traditional therapy, which led her to a journey of inner excavation and spiritual seeking.

Terri found her passion when she began studying energetic healing, meditation, and spiritual consulting at Clearsight, an intuitive healing school in Santa Monica, CA.  Fueled by the joy she was finally feeling, Terri went on to complete their graduate and ministerial programs.

Terri & Charlie During this time of intensive and determined self-work, Terri and her family began to experience a powerfully positive shift in their lives, relationships and family harmony. Buoyed by her emotional growth, Terri became a spiritual consultant and coach, and eventually an author and teacher.

It was on her path to self-discovery, self-acceptance, and true authenticity that Terri was guided through meditation to share the knowledge she was experiencing firsthand in a unique journal that is spiritual, practical, revelatory and prescriptive. Message Sent: Retrieving the Gift of Love chronicles her day-to-day journey of challenges and healing with love, candor and humor. It is in this book that she gets to the root of her anger and pain: she was denying herself. Terri finally realized what had been missing all along. She had lived most of her life performing, trying to be what she thought people wanted her to be instead of loving and accepting herself.

In her second book, The Enlightened Mom: A Mother’s Guide for Bringing Peace, Love & Light to Your Family’s Life, Terri offers the reader the benefit of her years of experience and wisdom, and shares the tools she found helpful to herself, as well as to her clients and students. Through her book and in her Enlightened Mom® workshops, Terri takes moms on a step-by-step journey to their hearts to create lives and homes filled with peace, abundance and joy.

In her newest e-book, Women Leaders of Love: How to End the #1 Massive Mistake Women Make & Unleash Your Greatest Act of Service, Terri guides women of all ages to stop performing for approval to raise their Worthiness Quotients to inner and outer abundance. She explains why when women play by the Good Girl Rules, they not only energetically set themselves up for failure, but set the tone for others to watch them and learn. Terri takes the reader through three key steps to stop the cycle of stress and struggle and become Women Leaders of Love.

Whether by keynote talks, taking a workshop or reading one of her books, Terri inspires you and guides you to honor, love and embrace the real you. She says, “As you break the good girl rules in your subconscious mind and take back the authority of your life, you connect to your heart. You own your worth. Anger, judgment, blame, resentment, lack, hopelessness and depression melt away. Your relationships heal. You break through your glass ceilings in every area of your life. You feel worthy of love and support. Your life shifts in so many ways! Laughter, passion, purpose, joy, acceptance and love become the norm. As you hold this energetic vibration, you step into a magical flow and align with God to attract the life you want!”

Terri Amos-Britt

Now Terri’s mission is to bring women of all ages together from across the globe to take a stand for breaking the good girl rules to become Women Leaders of Love. Terri says, “THIS is our greatest act of service. As we women STOP PERFORMING for love and approval, trying to always get it right, and instead give ourselves PERMISSION to stand in our truths, we set an example for others to lead lives of abundance, too! As we nurture and accept ourselves, that unconditional love will overflow to our families, our communities and the world. We women have the power to create a global shift when we take responsibility for healing our own lives…one person at a time.  And it starts with each of us first.”