(Video) Do you feel wanted or unwanted?

Have you ever had those awful twinges of feeling unwanted? You might feel as if you’re not valued at work or in a relationship. I know the belief that I was unwanted affected my life for years! And it is what kept me from fully shining my light and sharing my gifts with others. That false belief shut me down for a long time to the life I am here to lead.

A lot of us have an “unwanted” story. Maybe it’s only in one area of your life, or maybe you feel it is a running theme in every area. No matter what, it’s not the truth. You are wanted!

In this week’s video blog, I discuss spiritual agreements and give you a whole new perspective on being wanted. Enjoy!

Join me for my FREE monthly healing teleseminar, Tapping Into the Divine. Just click on the image below or go to: TerriBritt.com/Love:

Webinar - Tapping Divine w-link


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