I’m excited to share this week’s blog because I know so many people who have anxiety. One of our viewers wrote in on the Ask Terri form on my Home page and asked how to face her anxiety when she is wanting to get back into the work world. I know you’ll want to watch this, even if you don’t have anxiety because it might help someone you know. Click below to watch video.
And if you have a burning question you’d like answered in my Video blog, please go to the Ask Terri form right under the blog.
And don’t forget our Tapping into the Divine call is tomorrow night, Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 8 pm EASTERN time. (The call will be up for five days if you can’t make it.) I’m guiding you to tap into your intuition to look at someone’s spirit to find out the perfect holiday gift for him or her! It should be lots of fun!
It’s Thanksgiving here in the United States and most people are focusing on what they’re grateful for, which is awesome! HOWEVER, what about the things…