“It’s my fault.” Do you hold that hidden belief?
“It’s my fault.” Do you hold that hidden belief? Has it got you buried in guilt and you don’t even know it? Did you know that if you are holding guilt energy that you’ll block the love, nurturing and support that you deserve? It’s time to let this go! That was our focus in this week’s episode of our Women Leaders of Love Own Your Worth Wednesdays.” You don’t want to miss it! Click on the video to watch the replay.
Join us weekly on Facebook at 2 pm EDT for these conversations filled with healing, meditation and coaching. To be a part of the ZOOM call where you can ask your questions or share your AHA’s, look for the link in your inbox every Tuesday and Wednesday. If you’re not a part of our mailing list and would like to participate on ZOOM with us, grab my FREE Worthiness Quotient Breakthrough Bundle where you’ll receive my Women Leaders of Love ebook and three guided meditations to help you break the good girl rules and step into your greatest act of service for your family, community and the world. Get it at www.terribritt.com/leaders.