What Gift Are You Ready to Dive Into?
My baby, Kolbi, began her senior year of high school a couple of weeks ago. She wasn’t ready to head back to school and had been feeling stressed and burdened with her various responsibilities. Then one day Kolbi changed. She was different.
Kolbi walked in after school standing taller than I had seen her in a very long time. She was vibrant and radiated a new energy that I hadn’t noticed in her before. She seemed excited, yet peaceful and calm.
I looked at her, wondering what had changed.
As Kolbi shared the events of the day, I soon realized that the change I was witnessing was that she had stepped into her power. Kolbi had held her first meeting as the President of Viking Ladies, an extremely active group in the school. This is the first time she’s ever held a position of this magnitude. With every detail she shared, I could see the catalyst for this empowerment. Kolbi had stepped into her gift and given herself a voice as a leader.
Kolbi has always been a team player and even won a character award in elementary school for that trait, but she had never fully given herself permission to plunge into her gift with her voice and be this kind of leader.
I’ve known all along that this is who Kolbi is. I just don’t think she knew this about herself…at least not fully. She’s had inklings of this gift, but never fully honored it. But she did that day.
Kolbi told me she wasn’t sure what she was going to say as she started the meeting, and then suddenly her thoughts began flowing. She was going to make changes from the way things had been done in the past. When she finished the meeting, the sponsor said, “I think this is going to be a good year.”
I do, too. What I see with Kolbi is a young woman emerging…a woman of power, strength and conviction. She is finding her voice and using it to lead. And, as a result, by standing in her truth and embracing her gift, she is more empowered than I’ve ever seen her.
This is what happens when you stand in your truth. I used to think that if I took on more responsibilities that I would feel overwhelmed and burdened as Kolbi did at the beginning of the school year. But just like Kolbi found out that day, when you step into YOUR truth and align yourself with your gifts, you feel joyful, centered and grounded. And over time, you begin to realize that no matter what kind of responsibilities or burdens come your way, you can trust yourself to handle anything!
Thoughts for Your Journey
- In what areas of your life have you been holding yourself back out of a fear of having too many responsibilities?
- What gift are you ready to dive into?
- How can you start today?