Is Your Life Like the Movie “Frozen”?
Is your life like the movie “Frozen?” Have you made yourself an outsider so you can avoid people judging you? That’s what I took from the movie “Frozen” when I watched it recently. The young beautiful snow queen in the film has incredible gifts but, because she is afraid of them and fears people will judge her for these special powers, she leaves her village to live sequestered in the snowy mountains, all by herself, no longer a part of the whole but, instead, as an outsider. She believes that it is only here that she can be her true self.
Is this what you’re doing in your life? Are you withholding your “special powers” out of fear that people will judge you? Are you making yourself an outsider?
Special powers can be anything. They are simply your gifts that make you unique. Special powers can be things like being a leader, being passionate, or like we talked about in last week’s blog, being an intuitive or a healer. Your special power can be anything!
Here’s the irony. Most of us block these gifts because we don’t want to lose other people’s love and don’t want to feel like an outsider. But it is the suppression of our special gifts that make us feel exactly this way!
When you allow yourself to reveal your gifts from a space of love and acceptance, you feel connected and empowered. You finally feel as if you belong. That’s what happened in “Frozen.” I don’t want to give the story away in case you haven’t seen it, but the young snow queen finally sees the beauty of her gifts when she accepts them and moves into a space of love to use her special powers. And in the end, she no longer feels like an outsider.
“Frozen” could be the story of my life. From a very young age, I felt different from others. I often found myself on the outside, feeling as if I didn’t belong. But what I realize now is that my not belonging had nothing to do with how others made me feel. My feelings of separation were directly correlated to how I disconnected from my gifts.
Over time, I began to embrace my gifts, but much like the young snow queen, found myself hiding from the world. I, too, believed this was the only way I could truly be myself. I thought I had to be alone to be me.
Are you doing the same? Are you hiding, believing this is the only way you can be you?
I want to invite you to think about your life. Are you sequestered in the ice-cold snowy mountains of life like the snow queen because you are afraid of your gifts? Or are you embracing them, but not sharing them? Are you living as an outsider? Why? What are you afraid of?
I ask you these questions because it is only by diving deep inside to look at our fears that we truly embrace our gifts. That’s when we shift from “disconnect” to acceptance and love. And, just like the snow queen, as we do, we no longer feel like an outsider. We feel as if we belong, sharing our gifts with everyone!
So, after reading this, what comes up for you? Please let us hear from you in the comment box below. Just remember, sharing your heart is one of the biggest steps to no longer feeling like an outsider!
Hi Terri,
I definitely relate to and identify with the Outsider, having read fiction in the existential genre by Camus, Hesse, Sartre. I am the archetypal Hermit, and I can see how my reclusiveness due to not feeling that I belong, and/or do not relate to certain mindsets, has left me alone and not knowing how to connect. And yes, I am aware of the gifts and talents which are not being channeled into a form (eg writing a book, more artwork or reading cards to shed light on the path for others seeking the way). I can see I have been hiding from myself, from others, from the world, by playing small and not good enough, and that, yes, once I am seen that judged, criticized and rejected. And experience makes one twice shy.
Good point about the feelings of being separate being directly correlated to disconnection from gifts and talents. I see this and am taking steps to address this dilemma, so that it has a halo effect in other areas of my life. And then take a stand and write the book, read cards, create more portraits, take more photos. How we cheat ourselves. What a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive…ourselves.. and shoot ourselves in the foot!
Ms Gyan,
I love your words, “What a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive…ourselves…and shoot ourselves in the foot!” POWERFUL! Thanks for sharing those wise words and for sharing your heart. I believe a lot of people can relate to your experiences. Thank you for being here!
Hi Terry!
I sobbed during the movie, because it rang so true for me…”don’t feel, don’t let them see…” But like Elsa I am learning to embrace myself and my gifts, feel my feelings and speak my truths. Your words remind me we are all emerging from our self imposed isolation to bring our beautiful gifts to the world! Like beautiful butterflies!
Hey, Jeanette! I believe so many of us, especially women, hide our gifts and our truths. We’ve been programmed for centuries that we must take the back burner and hide. I’m so glad you’re learning to embrace yourself and your gifts. The world is a better place because of it! As you shine your light, everyone gets to see the example of what it is to become the butterfly! Thank you!