Tap into the Divine woman you were created to be and lead a life you love with grace and ease. Get my FREE monthly meditations and tools to guide you.
And by doing so, make room for Compassion, Peace and Acceptance for you and your family. Dear Mom,
If you are like me, those moments are uncomfortable to recall. Or perhaps for you, it is more subtle:
Do you long for a more happy, relaxed and peaceful way of being with your family and in your life? If any or all of the above “feels like you”, please, don’t go beating yourself up! Being a parent, mom or dad, is very challenging. We have ALL had moments we regret, and although they are not pretty, they can be used for positive change – if we have the courage to open to the healing opportunity they contain. If you have ever asked “why” you said what you said, did what you did, or felt the way you felt, the answer is this: the force driving the hurtful words and actions is our own unhealed anger, resentment and blame. The pain of these unreleased emotions lies deep in our subconscious and is buried in our physical body until a situation matching the one that created it is presented. Then, like a monster from the deep, it surfaces in all its furry to produce more of the same. Sometimes the result is what any reasonable person would call “abuse” and becomes a situation that demands appropriate intervention right away. However, far more often, the situation produces a much less dramatic – at least on the surface – experience, and this is the experience almost every mother I have ever worked with, including myself, has found herself in at some time or another. But there is good news. There is a way to break out of this cycle forever. I’m Terri Amos-Britt, founder of The Enlightened Mom, and I know first hand what it is like to be “controlled” by unresolved, unhealed anger, resentment and blame. Even as I stood and received the Miss USA crown in 1982, long before my children arrived, I felt “it” robbing me of what could have been a purely joyful experience. Of course, I didn’t know what “it” was for several years, and it took being a mom for me to make the decision to dive within and release those negative emotions. In this FREE call, I’m going to share with you the four steps that I personally used and continue to use to Release Anger, Frustration and Blame and create space for the Compassion, Understanding and Acceptance that is our natural way of being. And if for some reason you miss the call, don’t worry. We’ll send you the recording!
It’s Four Steps to Freedom for you and your family. Please join me.